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Training Method

t one end, the training is through constant practise of the Forms and at the other end is through simulated free fight or Sparring. In Wing Chun there is a unique training which is intermediate between Forms and Sparring which is called Chee Sau or Sticking Hands. Chee Sau is a partnered training where the students put into practice what they have learnt from their academic learning of the Form. These learning take into account of techniques, positioning around his opponent, use of energy and to honing the sensitivity of their hands and arms to remove their reliance on visual contact and so enhance their tactile feeling.

Sparring and Combat Techniques

No learning of fighting is complete without experiencing the sensation of a fight. One has to have sharp reaction, ability to control ones adrenalin, ensure the limbs move the way the brain orders and the moves are accurate to achieve the intended objectives. Students are first taught set combat drills and then progress to hitting focus mits and kick shields and punch bags to gain the sensation of contact with a target and stepping forward to judge the correct distance.  Then the students face each other and react to the oncoming attacks and respond by counter-attacking the opponent.  He would learn strategy, conservation of energy, use of the best techniques for the particular situation and timing and distance.


Forms in Chinese kung fu are fixed moves performed in a set and repeated time and time again. Wing Chun has three Hand Forms or Kuen Thoe: 1st Form is Siu Lim Tau (Little Idea Form); 2nd Form is Chum Kiu (Seeking the Bridge Form)and the 3rd Form is Bil Jee (Trusting Finger Form). There is a 4th Hand Form which is called Muk Yun Jong (Wooden Dummy Form). The training of the Muk Yun Jong is unique in Wing Chun where the best of the hand techniques, kicking techniques and body positioning are taught using a wooden dummy built from a section of tree trunk with three representative hands and one leg. There are two Weapon Forms: Bart Jarm Doe Form (Eight Cutting Knife Form) which trains on the use of a pair of cutlasses and the Luk Dim Boon Kwun Form (Six and a Half Point Pole Form) which trains on a straight long pole of 8 1/2 feet long . It is no accident that there are so few forms in Wing Chun. It was the intention of the Wing Chun ancestors to make Wing Chun the most effective fighting system and have deliberately removed any techniques that are flamboyant and ineffective. The objective has always been the less the better as long as they are effective. Simplicity also means that the full system can be taught in the shorter time.


There are only two weapons in the Wing Chun system. The Bart Jarm Doe or Eight Cutting Knives are a pair of cutlasses with 40cm blades. The application of the Bart Jarm Doe is quite unique in the kung fu circle in that the knives follow the principles and techniques of the hand moves. Applying such principles as simultaneous blocks and strikes make the Wing Chun knives very aggressive. The other weapon is the pole called Luk Dim Boon Kwun which is 8 1/2 feet long with a taper at one end. The pole form was acquired by the ancestors a long time ago with a Siu Lum (Shaolin) origin. It was adopted into the Wing Chun system. Hence the style and principles, like the use of low horse stance, is not characteristic in the Wing Chun flavour.

Chee Sau

Wing Chun is a close quarter fighting system. It requires special techniques and special approach to fight close up. The famous Chee Sau practice is a partnered training which simulates a fight at close quarter. All the techniques utilised in the blocks and strikes are academically correct in accordance with the lessons learned from the Forms (no wild swings). One starts with Darn Chee Sau (Single Hand Chee Sau)having one hand making contact with one hand of the partner's and learning the blocks and strikes against each other. Then one progresses to using two hands against the partner's two hands. This training is called Seung Chee Sau (Double Hand Chee Sau). Double Hand Chee Sau teaches simultaneous blocks and strikes using the two hands together. It is this skill of being capable of doing two opposing techniques at the same time that gives Wing Chun the reputation of being fast and efficient. The aim of learning Chee Sau is to acquire sensitivity in the hands, know the correct use of energy, positioning the body in relation to the partner and learn as many techniques for the blocks and strikes needed in combat. It is this training that gives Wing Chun students the reputation of being able to fight blind-folded or fight in a dark room.



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